How to Stop Drinking for Good & Reasons to Stop Drinking

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Stop Drinking for Good

If you have a substance abuse disorder, deciding to stop drinking is the first step to living a healthy and sober life. But, getting there takes commitment and hard work. When you’re willing to put the work in, the results and the life you lead can be amazing.

Staying sober can be difficult, so it’s important to have a support system and the right tools to help guide you along the process. We’ll look at some reasons to stop drinking, share some tips, and let you know how an alcohol rehab in Prescott can help.

Reasons to Stop Drinking

There are several reasons why you’ll want to stop drinking and live a sober life. These are just some to consider:

You’ll Have More Energy

When you’re drinking heavily, there’s a good chance that your energy will be zapped. You’re likely to oversleep, have a hangover, and not have much energy to do anything. When you’re not drinking, you’ll realize that you can start to have more energy and do the things you’ve been missing out on. You’ll also realize that your energy jolt influences your work performance.

Save Money

Having an alcohol use disorder can become very expensive. You’ll save a lot of money once you take alcohol out of your budget. You can use that money to buy yourself a treat, travel, or pay bills.

Better Skin

When you drink heavily, your skin can be negatively affected. Too much drinking can result in reduced collagen levels, loose, saggy skin, and dry skin due to dehydration. Some people also experience broken capillaries on their face and nose.

Healthier Weight

Alcohol contains high levels of sugar and empty calories that can lead to weight gain. [1] Many people who stop drinking also realize that their weight levels become healthier once they stop drinking.

Tips to Stop Drinking for Good

When you have an alcohol use disorder, having a plan for how to stop drinking for good is the first step in achieving your goals, especially when you begin to realize all the benefits that await you. [2]

Here are several ideas to put your plan into action.

Don’t Keep Alcohol in Your House

You can’t expect to avoid drinking when the temptation of alcohol remains in your house. Be sure to remove all alcohol from your house. Also, be sure that visitors don’t bring alcohol with them when they come to your home. Think about the saying out of sight, out of mind when it comes to alcohol.

Keep a Diary of Goals

If your alcohol consumption has prevented you from reaching your goals, you’ll want to keep a diary of what you want to accomplish when you stop drinking for good. Having something to strive for and look forward to should help to keep you on track.

Steer Clear of Peer Pressure

Spending time with people who don’t pressure you into drinking and other activities that can lead to drinking will help you remain sober. You’ll also want to steer clear of anyone who contributed to your drinking problem.

When you make new friends and spend time with people who want you to remain sober, you’re more likely to stay on track.

Don’t Get Discouraged

There may be days along your journey when you get discouraged. This is normal. The key is to shake it off and not let it keep you down. Get back up again and continue on your path.

Barriers That Can Prevent You from Stopping to Drink

Several barriers can make it more difficult to stop drinking.

Not Realizing You Have a Problem

Many people don’t think their relationship with alcohol poses a problem or requires any treatment. This can become one of the biggest barriers to stopping people from drinking.

Your Own Fear

Some people are simply scared of the treatment process. But once you discover that there is nothing to fear and that the treatment process is there to help you, you can rid yourself of those fears.

Not Knowing Where to Go for Treatment

Many people know that addiction treatment is available but are unsure where to seek it. This can present a barrier for people to stop drinking.

Worried about the Stigma of Addiction

When people enter a treatment program to stop drinking, they may worry that there will be a stigma attached to their treatment. This is not the case. Rather than worry about the stigma that may accompany getting treatment, it’s more important to focus on what will help you recover and remain sober.

Stop Drinking with Help from an Alcohol Rehab in Prescott

If you’re ready to stop drinking for good, Silver Sands Recovery is here to help. Our team of professionals has the experience needed to help you get on track and stay there. Our alcohol treatment programs include a variety of traditional therapies and holistic therapy options.

Since each person’s addiction is different, the types of therapies that work best will also differ from person to person. At Silver Sands Recovery, we understand this and will help to formulate the best- individualized treatment program.

For more information on how our treatment programs can help you or a loved one stop drinking and remain sober, call us or contact us online for more information.






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