How to Have a Sober Summer Break During Recovery
Summer break can be ideal for fun, recreation, and some much-needed relief. But you may be hesitant about traveling to your favorite summer break destinations if it’s your first sober summer.
Having a drug and alcohol-free summer break is possible and can be an incredible and sobriety-affirming experience. Following a few simple tips can help you maintain your recovery, enjoy your summer break, and embrace the sober lifestyle for years to come.
Summer Break in a Sober Lifestyle
Summer break is typically associated with college students taking a couple of weeks off to travel to exciting destinations, head off on a road trip, or partake heavily in drugs and alcohol. This connection between summer break and substance use is why many people worry about their first sober summer.
While it’s natural to be a bit apprehensive about your first alcohol-free summer break, it’s essential to recognize that it is possible to maintain a sober lifestyle regardless of your past summer break experiences. Sobriety isn’t about limiting yourself. In fact, it’s about freeing yourself from the chains that addiction places upon you.
There are countless ways that you can still have an enjoyable, memorable, and exciting summer break without drinking alcohol or using drugs. Just follow a few simple tips, and you’ll be spending time beachside with a mocktail in hand, wondering why you were worried about not enjoying yourself in the first place.
4 Tips for a Sober Summer Break
Everybody has different needs and challenges to maintaining their sobriety, particularly when they’ve recently left recovery centers. The tips below are meant to be used as a guide, but make sure to cater your plans to fit your unique needs.
These simple principles are a great way to ensure you enjoy your summer break in recovery without worrying about potential relapse.
1. Keep Up With Recovery Activities
The first thing to remember is that you shouldn’t simply stop the recovery activities during summer break. While everyone has a different system that works for them, these sober activities may include:
- Therapy
- 12-Step support groups
- Mindfulness practices
- Exercise routines
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Working with a sponsor
These recovery-sustaining practices are meant to support you in every facet of daily life, from vacation to the workplace and everywhere in between. Stopping them suddenly during summer break could be a recipe for disaster, particularly if you’ve historically associated summer break with drug or alcohol use.
When making plans for your summer break, try to incorporate these recovery activities into them. Having a stable source of recovery support can make all the difference if you feel cravings or temptations and might be the deciding factor in helping you stay sober.
2. Make Plans With Sobriety in Mind
Summer break while sober isn’t always the same as summer break as usual, just without the drugs or alcohol. If your previous summer break experiences have revolved around parties, drinking events, clubbing, or bar-hopping, most of these activities should be approached with extreme caution for a summer break in recovery.
Sobriety shouldn’t be limited, but you should understand the risks and challenges that these situations can bring. You might be okay attending a party or two during summer break, provided you bring along a sober friend or have other tools to keep you accountable, but don’t spend all your time close to drinking events.
Instead, focus on the multitude of other events or activities related to summer break that don’t revolve around substance use. This could mean:
- Going to the beach
- Spending time at the pool
- Going kayaking or white water rafting
- Hiking with friends
- Attending backyard barbecues
If you do decide to attend a drinking event, make sure to check in with yourself beforehand. Are you confident in your sobriety? Do you have an exit plan if you feel a craving? Do you have a support system that you can lean on? Looking at these factors can help save you when times get tough.
3. Use Your Support Network
A social support network can be vital for maintaining your recovery during summer break.[1] These are the people you can lean on, talk to when you’re struggling, and support you in staying sober.
If you’re planning a trip or destination getaway, bringing one or two people from your support network is typically best. Surrounding yourself with people who don’t understand the challenges of substance use disorders can often be a recipe for disaster. Still, a single sober friend can make a life-saving difference.
4. Don’t Hesitate to Reach Out for Help
If you’re not confident in your ability to stay sober over summer break, don’t hesitate to reach out for help from the professionals. Calling a therapist or treatment center can help put your mind at ease, provide actionable strategies for you to use in your recovery, and ultimately help prevent relapse.
Everyone needs help from time to time. Making the call now can make all the difference for the years to come.
Call Silver Sands Recovery
Silver Sands Recovery has all the tools you need to overcome the challenges of addiction. Call our team today at 888-845-9484 or reach out using our confidential online contact form to contact a mental health professional today.
About the author:
Lisa Waknin is the Founder and Director of Silver Sands Recovery, located in Prescott, Arizona. Lisa started Silver Sands Recovery after immersing herself in the addiction treatment world for several years to figure out what could be done differently to help her daughter and others like her to overcome addiction and stay sober. She believes in a hands-on treatment approach, which includes taking someone out of their environment, providing a 90-day program in a structured environment. During treatment, clients not only recover physically but also learn to live their life again. Lisa is a sought-after expert speaker for recovery support groups, charities, schools, communities, and companies wanting to educate themselves on the explosion of opiate and heroin abuse in our country and the best way to understand, treat, and beat it.